Saturday, November 7, 2015

First date...

So it was one year ago today, November 7, 2014,  when my life changed. It started slightly more than a year ago, and here is what I mean. I had seen a Facebook post about Halloween and thought, that's pretty rad, this girl likes Halloween and horror movies and such. Points. So, back to November 7th. I had asked this beautiful woman if she'd want to go see the brilliantly bad movie, Ouija, and she agreed. We were to meet at the Starbucks near the theatre prior to the movie so we could chat for a few before the confines of a dark and crowded room took over. I offered to buy her a coffee and she politely refused. Weeks later I would come to realize that had I offered to buy her a tea instead, she likely would have accepted, but I digress. After about an hour of chit chat, we head into the cinema. Approximately 34 minutes of trailers and 99 minutes of pure cheesy wonderfulness goes by, and we head to the parking lot. I didn't want the night to end just yet, and neither did she, so we chatted again by her car. Points. After about five minutes of this and that about the movie, I ask if she'd like to continue the date somewhere else. She kindly agreed. I then stood there for about 45 minutes trying to think of something to do. I'm sure I was quite the bumbling idiot, but I think she found it charming. Maybe slightly annoying as well as it was November 7th around 10:00 at night and about 55° outside. Anywho, I finally pulled my head outta the flustered clouds and suggested drinks at Applebee's since it was right next door. 45 minutes of tossing out ideas like trying to find somewhere to take a walk or sit on a bench or many other dumb ideas before my genius brain came up with cocktails inside a warm and nearby restaurant. Dumbass. However, we decide to head inside. I order a whiskey, and surprisingly, so does she. A beautiful lady who loved Halloween, cheesy movies and whiskey. Points. We had a couple drinks over the course of a couple hours and decided that it was time to go our separate ways for the evening. I walked her to her car and desperately wanted to kiss her good night. But I didn't want to rush things or presume anything, so I gave her a nice hug and said good night and that I would most definitely call her very soon to meet up again. I turned and walked away. Idiot. Should've kissed her. She later told me that I should have. No need to worry though, there have been many kisses since then. And the first one came only two nights later anyway. Regardless, it was quite the amazing evening. Even though it was just coffee, a movie and a drink or two, it is a night I shall not ever forget. It was the first date of the rest of my life. It was the first night out that I got to spend with the ever so amazingly beautiful and sweetest, kindest, funniest woman I know. My best friend. My love. My lady. Samantha Moline, happy one year anniversary of our first date. And here's to many, many more wonderful nights of me being a bumbling idiot, and you loving me for it.

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