Monday, July 19, 2010


I love the library. Whether it is at school or the public library, I tend to find myself there a lot. It is a peaceful place where one can gather their thoughts, read a gossip magazine, peruse the internet, get lost in a book, listen to some music, watch a movie, or just relax in the air conditioning. I never used to use the library for anything, now I find it to be one of my favorite places to hang out. Do I feel like a nerd for saying this? The truthful answer is no. I AM a nerd, don't get me wrong, but not in the book smart/school kind of way. I am nerd in the fact that I like Star Trek and Harry Potter and things of the like. But the library is a really great place for me to just go and unwind after a long stressful day. I can read in peace and quiet, but there are still people around. As someone who thrives on human contact, I quite enjoy this. If I get distracted from the text, I can glance up and just watch or interact with the people there. This comes quite easy as there are always so many people in the library. I never knew how popular they were until I became a "regular." Since my new love for the library, I have spent time in the Alpine, La Mesa, El Cajon, Santee, North Park, La Jolla and North University (UTC) branches. All of which have their own style. The El Cajon library is the largest on the previously mentioned list. La Jolla isn't far behind. I really need to go and spend some time in the central library downtown. I think I would enjoy it greatly, but it is so far. Maybe one day I'll make a day of it and take the trolley down there and afterwards, get a "beach" ticket to a Padre game. That sounds like a lovely day, doesn't it? Well, anywho, time to wrap this up. Next time you are bored and need/want to get out of the house, swing by your local pay for them, so you might as well enjoy them like I do!

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